Reviews and Comments

Daryl Wor Locked account

Joined 1 year, 1 month ago

I'm picky and read slowly, but I do love books. I love audiobooks and am so pleased to finally be a part of that world via

I'd say more but too many people "know" who I am, and that understanding has always been up for debate. (Even stranger is barely anyone gets in touch with me to ask.) ^_^

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Ramona Quimby, Age 8 (Paperback, 2006, Morrow/HarperCollins) 5 stars

Ramona likes that she’s old enough to be counted on, but must everything depend on …

Tons of fun in the series

5 stars

That was a packed book, a lot of changes for the Quimby family and the fun the parents had was pretty great, just dealing with aging in silly ways. Aw, man... that chapter six! What a wipe out, but then again that is a good thing to have in kids books because it really hits home. We had so many stories like that from whatever perspective as kids, seriously. (Yack stories.) Plus the principal "pal" thing was hilarious.

And the commercials! It could be classic on one had but very dated on another. We had to look up the "I can't believe I ate the whole thing," commercial for Alka-Seltzer, and the Wells Fargo stage coach one, not sure about the others, but you'd think there would be a video playlist somewhere with all the TV commercial references from this book.

Oh and the Purina cat chow one with that …

Peppa Pig (2018) 5 stars

Peppa Pig's playgroup is having a pumpkin contest, but the pumpkin that Grandpa Pig helped …

"We're gonna need a bigger boat..."

5 stars

Gone through this one before. One's sense of proportion gets very challenged when we reach the greenhouse in which Peppa's ginormous pumpkin is growing. At least in the cartoon, Grandpa Pig needs to empty the contents with a shovel!

Barring safety considerations, it's rather hilarious how this pumpkin is moved: by helicopter... WITH Peppa and her grandparents riding atop the pumpkin lantern. I do believe this was the very first free Peppa book I ever grabbed from a little library house thing. (Of course!) ^_^

"In this delightful dive into the bygone world of Kenneth Grahame's The Wind in the …

Very Genuine!

5 stars

We finished "The River Bank" by Kij Johnson bythe end of 2020, which was so excellent and spot on for The Wind In The Willows we slowly savoured each chapter. She really hit on Grahame's style, and all our old friends, as well as new ones, are quite convincing and having plenty of fun in-between putting up with Toad's conceit. There is great back history for Moley, too. I wasn't sure I'd like that initially but I do now. Badger surprised me a bit at the end but it made sense from the environment he'd travelled to. And Ratty is splendid, as always! Otter was there too, yay.

Machine World

5 stars

The author is religious which one would expect less from a view on science and technology. As we say different perspectives are important and this book shows that. There are economic points missing but that leaves room for the storytelling and the metaphoric elements which many humans digest far easier!

This shan’t be a simple list of “What to do” but it will be good practice to understand the whole to find the answers. I encourage listening to interviews of the author before or after proceeding. (Which is a good move with any book.) The most substantial point is the slow reveal of how we expected machines to advance to be more like humans, but with our current system it has been easier and more profitable to treat humans (us) more like machines.

Canterville Ghost (Paperback, 1970, Branden Books) 5 stars

This is Oscar Wilde's tale of the American family moved into a British mansion, Canterville …


5 stars

Watched a couple films of this story and... What a difference! The ghost isn’t nearly as admirable as he is in the film(s)! Plus the story is filled with witticisms that really change the view! In the film the dad is obnoxious whereas in the story he’s kind of random and just there, I guess. Plus the films of Canterville Ghost are often updated for whenever they are filmed. The story takes place in the late 1800s. Even so, Wilde rather nails it for Yankees having a snazzy product to solve everything. Whenever the ghost makes issues they offer or use some commercial invention they brought with them!

Mouse Tales (Paperback, Scholastic) 5 stars

Seven funny mouse tales! Which do you like best? --back cover

most entertaining!

5 stars

Picked this up in one of those book-drop boxes that's shaped like a house. Little did I know it's mild look warned me not of being thrown into an alternate dimension of silly!

The Old Mouse has a serious pants dilemma one would expect the ladies in town to be more helpful with, but no... There is a water-running-too-long story at the end that left us puzzled, but The Mouse and The Winds story is likely the cream of silly and still leaves me wondering how the occupant of the moved house managed after all that.