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Den unge, den gamle och havet (Swedish language, 2011, Nordstedts) 5 stars

Oerfaren nittonåring som just har tagit studenten, nedan kallad Kapten, och hans jämnåriga kamrat uppsöker …


5 stars

En mysig berättelse om en lite naiv nittonåring som tillsammans med sin idol seglar över Atlanten i en liten, simpel båt. Skriven i dagsboksform som växlar mellan Yrvind och Thomas, som parallellt delar sina tankar om diverse situationer.

Whalefall (AudiobookFormat, 2023, Simon & Schuster Audio and Blackstone Publishing) 3 stars

Not what I expected

4 stars

Not really what I expected given what I’ve read about it beforehand (ie. that is praises itself to be scientifically correct etc) but it ended up being a good read. I enjoyed it. The book is a 50/50 mix of family trauma and getting swallowed by a whale. The whale plot is kind of entertaining and so is the buildup of it. The family trauma is kind of flat to be honest, but the author manages to ties them together quite nicely.

We Spread (2022, Gallery Books) 4 stars

Penny, an artist, has lived in the same apartment for decades, surrounded by the artifacts …

Love and dementia

4 stars

It was a good read. I think I expected more due to the hype over at r/HorrorLit, but in the end I think it’s mostly a story about the end of life. Having had a relative perishing away in dementia might have made this book more “real” than spooky for me.

Jurassic Park (Paperback, 2015, Penguin Random House) 5 stars

On a remote jungle island, genetic engineers have created a dinosaur game park.

An astonishing …

Better that one of my favorite movies

5 stars

I’ve loved Jurassic Park by Steven Spielberg for as long as I can remember. I’ve hesitated to read the book, since I misunderstood it to be written after the film and not vice versa. That’s not the case though. About the book then: it’s fantastic. The whole seconds half you’re on needles, turning page after page. I like the style of Michael’s writing too. The movie and book differs in a few way, but story- and character wise. Hammond, which is quite likable in the movie, is what I imagine the Tech Bros of this decade when they’re in their seventies. Malcom is a bit much in the book, but becomes excellent in conjunction with the movie. I’m super happy I actually gave it a shot. My best read of this year, so far.

Upgrade (2022) 4 stars

“You are the next step in human evolution.”

At first, Logan Ramsay isn’t sure if …

An easy read

3 stars

Not his best work yet. Recursion, which got me hooked on the author and made me read Dark Matter, has a sort of elegance that both Dark Matter and Upgrade lacks. It's a fun, intense and easy read on an interesting topic for sure - just not as refined as Recursion.